Students pose in the mammalian cell culture room in the BioInnovation Lab.

Undergraduates in BIL

Just Starting Out (No Previous Lab Experience):

  • BIG-RT (BIG Research Training) Program - Learn and practice basic laboratory skills! Pipetting, PCR and gel electrophoresis is currently offered with more to come soon. Great way to boost your lab skills to get more involved in research.
  • Take a CURE (Course Based Research Experience) - Go on a quarter long immersive journey through a real research question lead by a faculty member's lab. A great way to quickly learn what real research is like, and network with research groups around campus. Dr. Justin Siegel and Dr. Whitney Dium currently teach CURE courses in the BioInnovation Lab.
  • Join the BioDesign Challenge - Want to design, build and test innovative and sustainable solutions for the world? Work on an interdisciplinary team of biologists, engineers and designers over the span of two quarters (Winter and Spring) with the opportunity to share your idea and prototypes with other teams from around the world. Contact Christina Cogdell for more information.

Some Lab Experience (i.e. completed BIG-RT training program, worked a quarter in a different lab, taken some laboratory courses in your major or an elective):

  • Join a BIG Research Team - Hone your laboratory skills working on a variety of research projects independently run by the BioInnovation Group. Project topics range from microfluidics, to cloning, to 3D printing of biological materials.
  • Take a class in the BioInnovation Lab - There are a variety of classes that are taught in the BioInnovation Lab. This is a great way to utilize the facility and learn new skills in the context of your major. Remember to pay attention to any course prerequisites.
  • Entrepreneurship - Have an idea that you think can become a company? The BioInnovation Lab welcomes students who are interested in developing their ideas into something that might go on the market. If interested, please reach out to us to find out more.