AvenueE stunting touring campus.

Bridges to the Baccalaureate

The Bridges to the Baccalaureate Program (B2B) is a collaborative partnership between American River College (ARC) and the University of California, Davis (UCD) that aims to enhance students' academic experience through authentic research training.  The program provides a unique opportunity for students belonging to historically excluded groups to engage in immersive research training at both ARC and UCD in preparation for careers in biomedical research.  

Program Objectives

Objective 1: Develop or enhance trainee science identity and self-efficacy.

Objective 2: Build core scientific skills in rigorous experimental design, data analysis, interpretation, and critical thinking.

Objective 3: Increase trainee awareness of typical ethical issues they may encounter during their research careers and the responsibilities they will have as practitioners to maintain the integrity of science.

Objective 4: Cultivate a sense of belonging to a supportive science community and establish a network of professional and personal mentors.

Objective 5: Strengthen and expand trainee commitment to careers in the biomedical sciences.

Objective 6: Successfully transfer trainees from CC into UCD research labs and engage in research for two years (between CC and UCD).

To find out more about the Bridges to the Baccalaureate Program - visit the B2B WEBSITE.

The B2B program is funded through a grant by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences and the National Institutes of Health:  NIH-NIGMS T34GM150440-01.